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Lost Kiwi Designs : Mohua Brooch [PRE-ORDER]

Lost Kiwi Designs

Product image 1Lost Kiwi Designs : Mohua Brooch [PRE-ORDER]
Product image 2Lost Kiwi Designs : Mohua Brooch [PRE-ORDER]

Regular price $ 32.00 AUD

[Note: Expected delivery at Broochaholic HQ is early June] 

An embodiment of passion and devotion, this brooch serves as a compelling reminder of the fragile beauty that surrounds us. By adorning yourself with this exquisite piece, you are not only embracing superb craftsmanship but also embodying the spirit of conservation. Join us in our quest to protect these incredible birds and preserve the pristine habitat they call home.

How about making a statement with this fabulous brooch inspired by an adventurous spirit? It's an absolute delight, crafted with love using a combination of materials. And guess what? It's mounted on a surgical steel locking clasp for complete security when you're rocking it out and about.

This brooch is not your average piece of jewelry - it's a wearable art that will take you on bold new journeys and push boundaries with its unconventional flair. So get ready to embark on new adventures with this unique and eye-catching accessory!

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