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Martinis & Slippers : VHS Brooch

Martinis & Slippers

Product image 1Martinis & Slippers : VHS Brooch
Product image 2Martinis & Slippers : VHS Brooch

Regular price $ 50.00 AUD

VHS Brooch

The 1980's called and they want you to NOT copy over the video of trashy daytime tv that your Mum recorded, but too late. You've spent all morning watching Video Hits just so you can record your favourite song and you need to learn the dance moves and this was the only spare tape.

1980's nostalgia is the best and it's even better with this cute brooch that has a tape that slide in and out (nah...doesn't come all the way out, sorry!).

Hand assembled & hand painted acrylic with a brooch finding on the rear.

Size: 56mm x 60mm 

Designed by Alex and Made in Melbourne, Australia


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